Sunday, June 16, 2013

Swing Time - Plein Air

9 x 12


This is my painting from the Zionsville, Indiana Paint Out. Artists could paint historic downtown locations, gardens on the Gardens of Zionsville Tour, or Porsche cars in town for the CruZionsville event.  I chose the gardens of Gary and Marcia Angstadt and focused on the charming playhouse and rope swing area in their lovely backyard.

As a teen, I had a summer job not too far from Zionsville and frequented the Dairy Queen for hot fudge sundaes, my favorite treat at the time.  However, as an adult, I've not spent much time there at all.  Well, that is about to change!  The Village of Zionsville is absolutely charming - filled with shops, art galleries, restaurants and historic buildings all surrounded by beautiful homes and gardens on walkable tree lined streets.  If you haven't visited Zionsville in awhile, or if you've never been there, treat yourself to a sundae at the DQ and a stroll around the village.