Wednesday, November 11, 2015

White River V

11 x 14

I'm frequently dropping my husband off at various 'boat' launches along White River for kayaking. Just one of many beautiful spots along the river.

The Painter

11 x 14

Intended to paint a beautiful oak tree but couldn't help painting the painter . . . 
painting the oak tree:)

White River

30 x 40

This painting of White River will be displayed and for sale at Conner Prairie Living History Museum through January 10, 2016.  The exhibit is a collaborative partnership between the Hamilton County Artist's Association and Conner Prairie.

Fall Show

 5" x 7"


A small contemporary landscape for the HCAA 65th Annual Art Show.


9 x 12

I was looking through photos of the very few paintings I created this fall and thought, "Umm, I like that one.  Where is it?"  Well, it's  nowhere to be found.  I'm sure it will turn up someday!