Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Float On

9 x 12

I was planning to practice plein air painting a couple of weekends ago and Saturday was just the most gorgeous day.  First thing in the morning I saw a gorgeous light streaming through the trees in front of the house and then another beautiful scene of reflections on the water.  Well, I sat down and enjoyed my cafe au lait and read the newspaper - great morning.  I missed the painting opportunities though!  So, I thought, no problem, I'll catch them tomorrow morning . . . and it rained.  Obviously I've a lot to learn about plein air painting.  So, I painted the above from photo references painting fast and trying to approximate at least the time constraints of plein air.  

Serene Dusk

18 x 24

Playing with my palette in this painting using warmer blues.  Painted this last month working from the hundreds of great photos from our trip to Brown County last fall.  

Cafe Santa Fe

12 x 12

Forgot to post this one and it deserves to be seen.  Painted this 'Dreama' style back in February using transparent oil paints but maintaining my warm palette.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Oil on Linen

Last Thursday I went to a demo by portrait artist Clayton Beck - it was an incredible demonstration . . . and quite inspiring.  On Friday I painted this portrait of my great-aunt Ady from a photo taken on her 90th birthday.  My grandma, Mimi, will be in the painting as well but I'm still working her portrait.  Two of the most amazing ladies - wish they were still with us!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mini Me

8 x 8

A smaller, quicker version of the vase of tulips but without the hydrangea.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Brittlebush Blooms - Shawn Deitch

6 x 6


Lots of rain in the desert last week and now the reward - it's raining flowers!  Hallelujah!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Dove Mountain Desert 3

8 x 8


Another desert study using gessobord again.  Gorgeous day for hiking and contemplating color and shadows!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dove Mountain Desert

8 x 8

Another day, another hike and another desert painting!  This time using a different canvas and underpainting.  This painting is on a Raymar panel with an orange underpainting.  The result is much different from the smooth, white gessobord.  Colors and brush strokes both are more muted.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Dove Mountain Path

8 x 8


Dove Mountain in Marana, Arizona has a beautiful, natural desert walking trail on each side of the boulevard.  A hike on this trail takes you mentally miles away - breathe deep and enjoy! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just Chillin'

12 x 12

Just started reading 'Cutting for Stone' and I'm hooked already. New painting imagining the perfect reading spot.

Tulip Time

12 x 12


Painting flowers and cheery scenes while wishing for warmer, sunny days!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Night Brigade

18 x 24


Just finished 'Night Brigade".   Summer fireworks at the lake are set off from barges in the water just off shore.  Makes a spectacular show in the air and on the water.

The Big Show

36 x 24


I painted 'The Big Show" a couple of weeks ago.  It is a contemporary take on the awesome fireworks display over Lake Tippecanoe every July 4th.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Summer's End II

24 x 24

Peering into the water on a calm day is so rewarding.  The reflections from the sky and trees compete with the clear water and the aquatic plants below for my attention.  The leaf won.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Summer's End

24 x 24

Early October at Lake Tippecanoe was so quiet and peaceful.  No boaters, no skiers, no jet skis . . . just quiet.  We finished up chores to prepare the cottage for winter.  Bob fished a bit and I read a good book.  Good days.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Morning Glory

18 x 24


This painting was inspired by one of the photographs I took while hiking around Brown County State Park.  I always take liberties with the colors but I also added the water since the creek bed was dry and full of leaves.  

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ogle Lake

24 x 36

A few weeks ago Bob and I spent the weekend in Brown County, Indiana during what was possibly the peak for gorgeous fall colors.  Really, I was surprised by the rich, vibrant colors after the terrible drought this summer but nature worked its magic anyway.  

Friday, September 28, 2012

Floral Fantasy

12 x 36


Normally, I don't sketch out my paintings in advance but rather pull the design together on the canvas.  Here, on this long, wide canvas, I wanted to create a design to bring the viewer into the painting, capture their attention and drop them onto the leaves to bounce along back to the left where the eye is swept up and floated back into the flowers for another go around.

Sunflower Burst

8 x 8

Fresh sunflowers have been harder to find this fall.  Apparently, they bloomed early this year as a result of our extremely hot, dry summer.  These lovelies, however, were troopers and made their way to the studio!


8 x 8

Painting still lifes with Pam Newell. These plums looked so yummy but some were unexpectedly squishy and probably would have rotted by the next day  . . . if not eaten.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

1964 Dodge Dart


24 x 24


My first car was a 1964 Dodge Dart.  It was also a first car for each of my sisters.  At the time we didn't think it was such a 'cool' car but now I would be proud to drive it; especially with history rewritten in cherry red! 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Waiting for Rain

16 x 20

One of many  Indiana farms battling the worst drought in decades. We've had a few occasional showers lately - but it's too little too late for many.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bassin d'Argenteuil, c.1874

18 x 24

Not for sale

This is my version of Claude Monet's Bassin d'Argenteuil.  A framed print of Monet's painting came with our home when we bought it in 1996 and has hung above the fireplace ever since.  The old print had become wavy and warped and the frame had seen better days.  So, a couple of weeks ago I decided to repaint it.  Bassin d'Argenteuil will resume it's place in a new hand-crafted frame with a black crackle/gold finish.  I'm so excited to see this refreshed Monet!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bub's on the Monon

9 x 12

This impressionist painting of Bub's Burgers is currently showing at the Carmel Arts Council Gallery through July 28th.  My parents were in town last week from Tucson and wanted a burger at  Bubs'.  It was 12:30 pm and I was sure the line would be too long; however, the high midday temperatures forced most diners inside so we enjoyed our lunch on the patio.  It was a little warm but I did say my parents are from Tucson!

Carmel Arts Council Gallery