Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Painting Pots


12 x 12

Painting beautiful potted flowers!  



Historic Home at Heritage Gardens


12 x 9

This is the historic home behind the Ambassador House in Fishers, Indiana.
  Great day plein air painting!

Monday, May 5, 2014

My Backyard

Oil on Gessobord

6 x 6

Plein air painting from my back deck.  Below is quick contemporary landscape with the leftover paint.

Summer Dreamin'


9 x 12


Oil on Raymar Panel

9 x 12

Broad Ripple


Broad Ripple is such a fun place to paint.  Lots of people milling about and even a band playing to add to the festive atmosphere.  

Tucson Arizona

Oil on Gessobord
6 x 6


Brought my paints to Arizona in March and only painted once - darn.  It is so lovely there.
Next year, more painting!

Run, Rick, Run!

Oil on Gessobord
6 x 6

This was painted back in March, 2014. A TBT to Season 2 in anticipation of this season's Walking Dead finale, "A".  The gang would be approaching Terminus in the season finale and I just had a bad feeling.  Yep - Rick should have run!

January/February Still Lifes

Oil on linen

This winter was a slow one for painting - maybe the 55 inches of snow this year and constantly overcast skies were contributing factors.  I will say that I'm much more motivated to paint now that the daffodils have bloomed and the crab apples are showing their stuff against a back drop of spring green and blue skies. 

Above are a few still life studies painted with friends this winter.  Thank goodness for friends or I may not have painted at all! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Blue River 2

Oil on Linen
11 x 14


Another painting along the Blue River in Breckenridge, Colorado.  Temps were in the high 20's which felt great on a sunny day.  So warm that I shed my coat; unfortunately my hands didn't get the message and were freezing despite gloves.  Santa heard my complaints and brought me hand warmers for Christmas:)

Blue River

Oil on Linen
11 x 14

Painted the Blue River in Breckenridge, Colorado while everyone else skied the crowded slopes over Thanksgiving.  I'm just too much of a chicken to brave it out there on a couple of open runs hosting hundreds of  skiers and boarders from beginners to advanced - to harrowing for me!

Packed up my paints and took a stroll on the trail along the river and found this wonderfully peaceful spot.  The trail dips down to the river every time it goes under a bridge allowing for intimate views of the river.  My only visitors were friendly folk walking their dogs.  

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Across the Marsh - Plein Air


Oil on Linen
11 x 14

Another painting from my week on St. Simons Island, Georgia painting with Albert Handell. Our weather was iffy several days - cold and windy - so windy in fact it was impossible to paint unless I kept one hand firmly on the tripod to keep it from blowing over.  I learned this the hard way earlier in the week:)

St. Simons Island Marsh - Plein Air

Oil on Linen
9 x 12

One of Albert Handell's favorite painting locations on St. Simons Island, Georgia was the marsh area, or as he sometimes called it, the swamp.  Above is my painting of just one of the many views.

Southern Live Oak - Plein Air

Oil on Linen
11 x 14


The Live Oak forest was spectacular on St. Simons Island, Georgia.  Below is the gorgeous tree that inspired my painting.

Wind Swept - Plein Air

Oil on Linen
9 x 12

I painted last week alongside master artist Albert Handell in his mentoring program on beautiful St. Simons Island, Georgia.  The mentoring program is different from his workshops as he doesn't teach during the week - he paints with pastels - and a small group of mentees paint with him in the field.  All mentees meet in the evening and Albert critiques the paintings and answers questions on a variety of subjects including career building, materials, techniques, etc. 

It was a wonderful, productive, informative week - what a pleasure painting with Albert and the other mentees!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Noblesville Farm House - Plein Air

12 x 12

Painted on a farm in Noblesville last week and it was so-o cold - 47 degrees and cloudy - brr-rrrr!  Too cold for me - fingers and toes were numb.  Painted with Anna Afshar and Tom Devoe.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Broad Ripple Storefronts - Plein Air

12 x 12


This painting was from a couple of weeks ago in Broad Ripple.  My painting partners painted the Corner Wine Bar and I painted the opposite stores.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Abstract No. 2

30" x 40"

Working on large canvas and fireworks colors without actual representation of fireworks upon David Slonim's suggestion. Interesting how I'm liking the result and I'm not even sure why.  I keep looking at the painting and feeling positive little 'emotions'.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Abstract No. 1

30 x 40

I'll be painting several of the fireworks series with colors I associate with fireworks but without specifically representing fireworks.  This piece was painted with acrylic paint -  I was wanting to work quickly to establish colors and patterns without worrying too much about muddying it all up - the acrylics worked well!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

LOVE at IMA - Plein Air

12 x 12


Plein air painted at the Indianapolis Museum of Art today. Incredible painting opportunities everywhere I looked but I decided to get some me some 'love'.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fireworks No. 1

36 x 24

Fireworks are an important symbol for our family as we frequently gather on July 4th to rekindle family connections and celebrate the freedoms of living in this wonderful country. I've been pondering a series of fireworks paintings and decided to get started now that summer is over and plein air season is winding down.  I painted two fireworks paintings last winter so I guess those are now prequels to the series.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Japanese Gardens - Carmel, Indiana

12 x 12


Painted at the Japanese Gardens south of Carmel City Hall yesterday.  Kept having to scoot back my easel as the sun was chasing me!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Indian Lake Wetlands - Plein Air

12 x 12


Second painting on Saturday at a quiet and most importantly, cool, spot at Indian Lake in northern Indiana.

Kahn You See the Wolf near the Trees? - Plein Air

12 x 12

Quick color study at Indian Lake in northern Indiana.  Bob took off in the kayak and said the fishing was good - good day for painting too.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gros Ventre River Ranch, Moose (Jackson Hole), Wyoming - Plein Air


6 x 6

Gros Ventre River

Oil 6 x 6

I wish I had a close up of this painting location - I stacked firewood on the log bench to support my paint box and painted the upstream view.